Corporate Culture

Customer Comes First

BOS Center’s ultimate vision is to connect travel companies from around the world to business enriching experiences. It’s with this belief in mind that we launch every campaign, design every new product, and celebrate every customers success that gets more people exploring the world, opening their minds and connecting with others. As our company is built by individuals who live and breathe travel technology, it makes perfect sense that helping customers fulfil their own business goals is what fuels us.

Corporate Culture

Be part of a working culture which is built on respect and teamwork, that strives for excellence and encourages everyone to give of their best. BOS Center thrives in a corporate culture that is transparent, employee-driven and solutions-oriented which gives values every team member's contribution towards our goal of improving lives. Aim high and get the job done.


We believe we earn the trust and respect of our team members when we speak openly, directly, and honestly. We share our successes and highlight our failures in the hope of learning from them, and every team member can see the objectives of anyone else in the company. All in all, we believe that when you commit to and celebrate transparency, you achieve more, faster, and with a clear perspective.


Collaboration is an essential value because it's the only way to provide a customer exactly what they want precisely when they want it. Bringing the best to our customers requires collaboration as one company. We believe good ideas can come from anyplace and diverse perspectives contribute to longer standing decisions and outcomes. Combined with a safe environment and opportunities to grow, this will make BOS Center a great place to work.

Speed & Agility

At BOS Center, we are obsessed with execution. We move fast. We self-initiate actions that enhance our business and the world around us. We approach decisions with data and discipline, execute with urgency and then hold ourselves accountable for our results. The values at the heart of agility are integrity, personal ownership, teamwork, and excellence. It helps to adapt quickly to market changes - internally and externally as well as respond rapidly and flexibly to customer demands.