Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS) API

AEPS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System) is the Aadhaar base payment system using AEPS you can send and receive payment from anywhere and anytime using your Aadhaar number and thumb impression. AEPS Payment system is secure payment system because every time when you transfer the fund then you need to thumb impression.

BOS CENTER is one of the best company which provides you AEPS payment and API for AEPS. By integrating the Aadhaar Enabled Payment System you API in your portal you can able to transfer funds using your Aadhaar detail..

Wanting to start Aadhaar enabled payment system? Here is a beautiful opportunity to get into this beautiful system, and start earning big bucks from the word go. Yes, it is hell easy, since no one would require to go to bank; they can do it without even standing in the long queue. So, feel free submit your requirements.

AADHAR Enable Payment Service

RBI and NPCI are working very hard to speedup India’s Financial Inclusion system. AADHAR Enable Payment Service has two major type ,As a 1) Micro ATM and 2) Merchant Payment collection system.

AADHAR Enable Payment Service work very simple way and follow only 3 steps:

  •  Identifying the Bank to which the customer is associated.
  • Customer’s Aadhar Number/ Virtual ID
  •  Customer’s Fingerprint captured during transaction.

AEPS API Documents

API - 1 Get State



  "stateid": 1,
  "statename": "Andaman Nicobar"
  "stateid": 2,
  "statename": "Andhra Pradesh"
  "stateid": 3,
  "statename": "Arunachal Pradesh"

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
Key string Required
API - 2 Get District



"districtid": 1,
"districtname": "Andaman Nicobar"
"districtid": 2,
"districtname": "Andhra Pradesh"
"districtid": 3,
"districtname": "Arunachal Pradesh"

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
stateid int Required
Key string Required
API - 3 BC Registration


"bc_dob":"(DD-MM-YYYY) Format","bc_state":"API Shared","bc_district":"API Shared","bc_address":"XXXXXXXX","bc_block":"XXXXXXXX","bc_city":"XXXXXXXX",

"emailid": "",
"bc_id": "BC3551192",
"phone1": "9719532487",
"Message": "Success",
"Statuscode": "000",
Type of Shop
- Kirana Shop
- Mobile Shop
- Copier Shop - Internet cafe
- other (open a textbox and mention the name of the other shop type)
Type of Qualification
- Graduate
- Post Graduate
- Diploma
Area Population
- 0 to 2000
- 2000 to 5000
- 5000 to 10000
- 10000 to 50000
- 50000 to 100000
- 100000+
Location Type
- Rural
- Urban
- Metro Semi Urban
- other (open a textbox and mention the name of the other shop type)

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
bc_f_name string Required
bc_m_name string Required
bc_l_name string Required
emailid string Required
phone1 string Required
phone2 string Required
bc_dob string (DD-MM-YYYY) Format Required
bc_state int Required
bc_district int Required
bc_address string Required
bc_block string Required
bc_city string Required
bc_landmark string Required
bc_loc string Required
bc_mohhalla string Required
bc_pan string Required
bc_pincode string Required
shopname string Required
kyc1 string Required
kyc2 string Required
kyc3 string Required
kyc4 string Required
shopType string Required
qualification string Required
population string Required
locationType string Required
Key string Required
API - 4 Get BC Status



"bc_id": "BC******",
"status": "Pending",
"remarks": "",

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
bc_id string Required
Key string Required
API - 5 Get BC Initiate
Your urlAEPS/BCInitiate



"Message": "Success",
"StatusCode": ""001",
    "3hEQx9z36zrjq7v6hdpYGPu9b4ubjmfDbIgzcovqFkm4xU3e1puf d9UQVvIdWa%2fIH0Fi%",
In this call you will get the encrypted string that you have to pass on the below URL."+Encrypted Text+"; Then the user will be landing on our page for transaction. After click on Submit button you have to make 2 API at your end for checking and updating the Request.

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
bc_id string Required
phone1 string Required
ip string Required
userid string Required
Key string Required
API - 6 Call Back 1 CheckStatus (Given By Partner and Update Url in API Key fields)
Your url/CheckStatus

    ------------------- Request---------------------
    URL - Your URL and then these params after ?
    Txntype - MS
    Timestamp - DateTime (format dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss)
    BcId - bcid
    TerminalId - user_id (maximum length 7)
    TransactionId - stan no.
    Amount - amount
    TxnStatus - Pending
    BankIIN - Bankiin" (in numeric sheet will be shared by us once go live) 
    TxnMedium  - 1 is for web and 2 is for SDK
    EndCustMobile   - Customer mobile no.
    --------------------- Response ---------------------
    TRANSACTION_ID  - Alphanumeric 
    type VENDOR_ID  - numeric 
    MESSAGE    - Success 

    --------------------- Sample in json ---------------------
    "MESSAGE"  : "Success" 
    "STATUS"  : "SUCCESS" 
    "TRANSACTION_ID"  : "0" 
    "VENDOR_ID"  : "1" 

Description :-
TxnType -
MS- Mini Statement
BE-Balance Enquiry
CW- Cash Withdrawal.
API - 7 Call Back 2 UpdateStatus (Given By Partner and Update Url in API Key fields)
Your url/UpdateStatus

------------------- Request---------------------
URL - Your URL and then these params after ?
TransactionId - TRANSACTION_ID
VenderId - VENDOR_ID
Status - transaction Status
BcCode - bcid
rrn - Unique transaction no. given by bank
--------------------- Response ---------------------
MESSAGE     - update Successfully!! 

--------------------- Sample in json ---------------------
"MESSAGE"  : "update Successfully!!" 

API - 8 Get Status
Your urlAEPS/GetStatus



"statuscode": "000",
"message": "Success",
"Data" :[
"mobile": "7209608814",
"stan_no": "MH2503191003444694137MK",
"rrn": "908410012824",
"iin": "607069",
"bc_id": "BC0103969",
"amount": "5000.00",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"trnx_date": "25-03-2019 10:25:44",
"typeoftxn": "CW",
"bankname": "Uttar Bihar Grameen Bank ",
"refunddate": "",
"remarks": "",
"bankresponsemessage": "Request Completed",
"bankcode": "10000",
"bankmessage": "successful",
"txnfrom": "ICICI AePS",
"routetype": "SDK"

Parameter Details

Parameter Data Type Paraneter Type
stanno string Required
Key string Required